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About a few months ago, I reached out to a few moms asking if they would start a 21 day walking challenge with me. I felt if I had a few people involved, it would keep me accountable and consistent. Well... that fell through as soon as the weather changed to 'freezing'.

Nevertheless, I don't know why I thought I needed an accountability partner. I was blessed with two little ones who reminds me EVERYDAY what I should and shouldn't be doing. For example, my soon-to-be-four year old would randomly find where I am, lie on the floor and start doing push ups or sit ups, counting 1-2-3. She would then say, "Mommy, we need to do some exercises". On weeks when I'm slow with teaching, my two-year-old son would walk around the house singing the alphabets, numbers song, or days of the week. I would feel a little pang in my heart and fuss at myself at being a slacker.

The best yet is when baby girl corrects me on my language. I've told her before that 'stupid' is not a nice word, and on those days when I have road-rage and let it slip out, there goes her voice behind me, "Mommy, that is not a nice word." What can I say? Only, "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry." My favorite is when my children would remember to do their prayers, sometimes reminding me to do them. As soon as my son sees food coming, he automatically says grace. Whenever I put them down for bed, my daughter reminds me to do our bedtime prayers.

But you know what all of this says to me? My children are consistent with daily routines, and woe to the person who forgets. It doesn't bother me when they remind me of things, but it does make me feel like a slacker... and usually puts me back on track.

So, the accountability partners I thought I needed? I mean, they will still come in handy, but I have at least two live-ins that remind me of what I should be doing.

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